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GFAiR plays a critical role in transforming agri-food research and innovation systems. To effectively fulfil its role as a catalyst for change GFAiR needs strong and robust governance and management. 

The governance and leadership of GFAiR is strengthened through the voices of the GFAiR Steering Committee — the body is made up of representatives elected from each of GFAiR’s constituencies. 

The Partners that make up the Steering Committee are not there just to represent themselves. They have committed to advocate for the concerns of their constituencies and actively engage with and mobilize them. They are directly accountable to other GFAiR Partners in their sectors for catalyzing key Collective Actions to be taken forward with Partners in other sectors.

Dr. Ravinder (Ravi) Khetarpal was elected GFAR Chair in 2021 and re-elected in November 2024. Dr. Ross McLeod finished his role as Vice-Chair and Dr. Romano De Vivo was elected as a new Vice Chair in Novembre 2024. Read more in the GFAiR News

Current GFAiR Steering Committee members:

Ravi Khetarpal

Executive Secretary, Asia Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI)

Ravi Khetarpal

GFAR Chair

Romano De Vivo

Vice-President of Sustainability, CropLife International

Romano De Vivo

GFAR Vice Chair

Hildegard Lingnau

GFAR Executive Secretary

Hildegard Lingnau

GFAiR Secretariat

Ross McLeod

Director, eSYS Development

Market Access and Economics Advisory, Royal Australasian College of Surgeon

Ross McLeod

Other International Research

Christophe Larose


European Commission

Christophe Larose

Donor Support Group

Marine Noblanc

European Commission

Marine Noblanc

Donor Support Group

Selvaraju Ramasamy

Director, OIN, FAO

Selvaraju Ramasamy

Facilitating Agencies

Amine Belhamissi

Grant Portfolio Officer, IFAD

Amine Belhamissi

Facilitating Agencies

Katia Vuori

WFO Secretary General

Katia Vuori

Farmer and Agricultural Worker Organizations - Global

James French

General Secretary, Global Confederation of Higher Education Associations for the Agricultural and Life Science (GCHERA)

James French

Higher Education - Global

Juan-Lucas Restrepo

Director General, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT

Juan-Lucas Restrepo

International Public Sector Agricultural Research

Daniel El Cami

Daniel El Cami

Private Sector - Global

Ravi Khetarpal


Executive Secretary, Asia Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI)

Ravi Khetarpal

Regional Representation - AP

Botir Dosov



CEO/Executive Secretary, Central Asia and the Caucasus Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (CACAARI)

Botir Dosov

Regional Representation - CAC

Dietrich Darr


Chair , European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development (EFARD)

Dietrich Darr

Regional Representation - Europe

Muhammed Ibrahim

Executive Secretary, FORAGRO c/o Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)

Muhammed Ibrahim

Regional Representation - LAC

Rida Shibli

Executive Secretary, Association of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Near East and North Africa (AARINENA)

Rida Shibli

Regional Representation - MENA

Aggrey Agumya

Executive Secretary, Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA)

Aggrey Agumya

Regional Representation - SSA

Carl Larsen

Executive Secretary, Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS)

Carl Larsen

Rural Advisory Services - Global

Silvia Lanzarini



Silvia Lanzarini

Women's Associations - Global

Genna Tesdall

Director, YPARD

Genna Tesdall

Youth Organizations- Global