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The Global NARS Consortium brings together National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) from around the world to collectively address the challenges facing agricultural research and development. Its core mission is to amplify the collective voice of NARS, strengthen their global representation, and foster partnerships between the Global South and international research organizations

Following the recommendations of the CGIAR HLAP report1 on how to better partner with Global South the Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAIR) has been entrusted with the important task of developing the Global National Agricultural Research System (NARS) Consortium (GNC) by the Regional Fora on Agricultural Research via the Declaration signed in Bangkok in March 2023. These Regional Fora (RF) include the Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI), the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), the Forum for the Americas on Agricultural Research and Technology Development (FORAGRO), the European Forum for Agricultural Research for Development (EFARD), the Central Asia and the Caucasus Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (CACAARI), and the Association of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Near East and North Africa (AARINENA).
The current absence of a GNC highlights a critical gap in the field of agricultural research and development. While NARS play vital roles in driving innovation and sustainable agricultural practices at the national and sub-national levels, they do not have a collective global representation and voice. Their roles and perspectives therefore largely remain fragmented and dispersed. The lack of a unified NARS platform at the global level hinders their ability to share knowledge, address global challenges, and advocate for their needs on the international stage. Recognizing the urgent need for a cohesive and empowered NARS community, the establishment of the GNC was seen as critical by the Regional Fora. The Bangkok Declaration agreed to entrust the GNC to GFAiR, whose task and mandate was and is to represent the NARS of the Global South and to improve their co-operation with international agricultural research (CGIAR and others).
By establishing  the GNC, GFAIR Regional Fora and NARS stakeholders have initiated the creation of a body that promises to be able to leverage collective strengths, to enhance the influence of NARS on policies, programmes and financing, to pool expertise and resources, and to promote (South-North and South-South) collaboration to effectively address the rapidly changing global context and ensure the sustainable development of agricultural research worldwide. Through the establishment and operationalization of the GNC, GFAIR and its partners aim to strengthen NARS, ensuring their global representation and influence in the ever-evolving field of agricultural research and development.
Overall, the establishment of the GNC is expected to result in a strengthened, unified, and empowered NARS community at the international level, leading to enhanced global cooperation, more relevant, targeted, and impactful research outcome. If you’re a National Agricultural Research System interested in joining the consortium or learning more, please contact us at

Key documents:


global nars consortium
The Executive Directors / Secretaries of EFARD, FARA, APAARI, GFAiR, AARINENA and CACAARI after signing the Bangkok Declaration



1 See the report by the independent High-level Advisory Panel (HLAP), “On Improving One CGIAR’s Strategic Engagement with Partners

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