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Objectives and expected outputs of the second inter-regional workshop: Considering the ICM4ARD proposal as a global framework for action, and the main outcomes of the Accra and Bonn Meeting, a second inter-regional consultation would enable the RAIS stakeholders of the Regional Fora to achieve the following objectives: (1) To further discuss on their respective regional Plan of Work and Budget (PoW&B) for 2005 in the area of ICM for ARD and the development of their RAIS; (2) To take stock on existing initiatives involving all principal stakeholders, and to stimulate other initiatives from the Regional Fora in the area of ICM for ARD in order to launch collaborative platforms between and amongst RAIS; (3) To define priorities for GFAR financial support accordingly to (i) regional activities or (ii) inter-regional activities within collaborative platforms; (4) To define a consistent output oriented list of activities and related budget for each of these collaborative platforms that either GFAR Secretariat can support within its own 2005 PoW&B or define complementary proposals, consistent with the ICM4ARD proposals leading to fund raising activities where GFAR Secretariat could play a leading role.

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