CFS side event - Transforming food systems: empowering women to deliver on Food Security and Nutrition
The Gender in Agriculture Partnership (GAP) is organizing a side event on “Transforming food systems: empowering women to deliver on Food Security and Nutrition” in the context of the CFS 40 on Thursday October 10th, 2013 between 12:30 and 14:00.
Venue: FAO Red Room.
The event will discuss:
The evidence showing how women’s and girls’ empowerment delivers on these outcomes
The costs of failing to invest in women's roles in high-nutrient-value food chains and of ignoring women's triple work burden (household, reproductive and market)
The enabling environment - policies, rights, laws, and incentives to empower women in food systems to deliver food security and nutrition
Prof. MS Swaminathan, Chair of the HLPE of the CFS, and also a GAP Patron will chair the side event and HE Mary Mubi, Ambassador of Zimbabwe to FAO and Co-Chair of the Women’s network of Ambassadors will make remarks.