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GCARD3 (2015-2016) is the third Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development. Organized by the Global Forum and CGIAR, it is part of a continuing, iterative reform process, and builds on what has gone before in, and around, the previous two GCARDs.

GCARD3 is an inclusive, participatory process and an opportunity to shape the future. It encourages conversations for change in setting a new agenda for agricultural research for development and new pathways for uptake. The overall outcome is the clear – and transparent – identification of international research priorities, and what’s needed to achieve future development goals, in particular for family farmers and poor communities.


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GCARD3 is a two-year consultation process focusing on stakeholder and partner priorities and based on national and regional stakeholder consultations designed to help shape the strategy and future direction of international agriculture research and innovation. It includes dialogue to foster the development of an integrated investment facility for agricultural innovation, to ensure that national systems can be empowered through direct investment and the required capacities, to provide effective uptake pathways able to make use of the products of agricultural research. GCARD3 is designed so that there are a multiple number of ways to stay informed on what’s happening during the GCARD process and be engaged in the conversations.

The consultations for the GCARD3 process have started in 2015 and continue throughout 2016 (see GCARD3 Calendar) and are both on-line and face-to-face. Results of all consultations are being collected and allow stakeholders to follow, and monitor, the results of all consultations transparently and continuously.

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GCARD3 Organizing Committee

The GFAR Steering Committee and the CGIAR Consortium Board assembled a GCARD3 Organizing Committee to provide tactical guidance and organization coordination of the GCARD3 process. In line with recommendations and lessons learned from previous reviews of GCARDs, the Organizing Committee is large enough to engage the perspectives of key stakeholders into the functional processes of GCARD3 yet still remain small enough to be effective. The Organizing Committee is supported by a GCARD3 Implementing Team from the CGIAR Consortium Office and the GFAR Secretariat.


GCARD3 Global Event Program Task Force

The GCARD3 Organizing Committee created a specific Task Force to prepare a program for the GCARD3 Global Event that was held in South Africa 5-8 April 2016. The Task Force developed a Program that aligns with a framework approved by the Organizing Committee. More on the GCARD3 Global Event HERE


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