The Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) initiative is a voluntary association seeking to support global efforts to make agricultural and nutritionally relevant data available, accessible, and usable for unrestricted use worldwide. The initiative focuses on building high-level policy and public and private institutional support for open data. It was launched in October 2013.
GFAR joined as an early partner in GODAN and is a member of the GODAN Secretariat.
The GODAN partners include many of the same actors that already support CIARD, of which GFAR is a founding member, so the two initiatives are highly complementary to each other. To discuss complementarities and overlaps, a CIARD-GODAN Consultation took place in Rome in April 2014. CIARD joined as a partner in GODAN as well and the agreed view of the relationship between GODAN and CIARD is that GODAN focuses on high level advocacy (especially government and big industry) while CIARD partners work more on advocacy and technical infrastructures for research managers, data managers and intermediaries.