On March 17, 2023, the heads of the six GFAR Regional Fora (AARINENA, APAARI, CACAARI, EFARD, FARA, and FORAGRO) signed the Bangkok Declaration to establish a Global NARS Consortium (GNC) and entrusted it to GFAR.
The Regional Fora represent diverse stakeholders involved in agrifood systems transformation and agricultural research, specifically the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) in their regions.
The Bangkok Declaration calls for collective action to strengthen and revitalize NARS in the rapidly changing global context through the creation of a Global NARS Consortium (GNC) within GFAR. The GNC will seek to strengthen the global voice, enhance the influence, and improve the resource base and capacities of NARS as well as strengthen the collaboration and linkages among partners.
The Bangkok Declaration was witnessed by high level representatives from the CGIAR and IFAD, and the representatives of the NARS of Australia, Iran and Vietnam.
The GFAR Regional Fora agreed to operationalize the GNC, in consultation with relevant national, regional and global institutions, networks and organizations, undertaking to facilitate the implementation of a roadmap by 2025, to mark the 30th year of GFAR’s existence.
Photo From L: Ravi Khetarpal / APAARI Executive Secretary, Juan Lucas Restrepo / CGIAR, Murat Sartas / EFARD Executive Secretary, Karim Hussein/ GFAR, Yemi Akinbamijo / FARA Executive Director, Nguyen Thi Thanh An / NARS-Australia, Tooraj Valinnasab / NARS IRAN, Hildegard Lingnau / GFAR Executive Secretary, Sara Savastano/ IFAD, Rida Shibli / AARINENA Executive Secretary, Valeria Pesce / GFAR, Botir Dosov / CACAARI Executive Secretary, Nathalie Dore/ GFAR, Ewa Czerwien/ GFAR, Bui Quang Dang / NARS Vietnam, Fernando Antunez/ GFAR, Tommaso Teti/ GFAR, Alessandro Meschinelli/ GFAR