Consultancy Services:Establishment of a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) for FARA
Organisation:Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA)
Procurement Ref:FARA/HRA/CS/QCBS/HRIS/2023/01
FARA serves as the technical arm of the African Union Commission on matters concerning agriculture science, technology and innovation. FARA mobilizes a wide spectrum of stakeholders around a portfolio of continent-wide programmes and projects that are co-developed and implemented with the stakeholders. It currently coordinates twelve (12) programmes and projects that, taken together, contribute towards the CAADP goal of increasing agricultural productivity in Africa.
The deployment of relevant information technology is an integral part of FARA’s operational effectiveness, this is further enhanced through the deployment of the Human Resources Information System (HRIS).
FARA continues to embrace the digital revolution, and its increasing reliance on Information Technology tools to perform its functions. A human resource information solution is essential to provide a one-stop shop for workforce data and streamline all relevant employee details and assist in the analyses of data. FARA, therefore, intends to deploy a contemporary human resource solution to assist in the attainment of its objectives.
Currently, FARA has approximately 28 employees and this number is expected to grow as new funding opportunities emerge. FARA would require a web-based software service to access HRIS modules, customized as per our requirements and needs.
To achieve the foregoing; FARA proposes to engage a suitable consulting firm to carry out this assignment with the needed professionalism and ethics.
The purpose of the assignment is to deploy a human resource information system to provide improved and timely HR information, increase the efficiency of HR processes, enhance data security and confidentiality, enhance the ability to track and report on human resource metrics, and meet the key deliverables as outlined in the Terms of Reference (see link to TOR in section 7 below).
The Executive Director of FARA invites interested consultants to express interest in carrying out this assignment.
- Consultants interested in this call must provide an Expression of Interest no longer than 10 pages, outlining references related to the execution of similar assignments, experience in similar areas, or evidence of knowledge and availability of qualified staff etc. Brochures, CVs, and other supplementary materials submitted shall not be accounted for as part of the 10-page limit. Expression of Interest must also include copies of the following Mandatory documents: Business Registration Certificates and Valid Tax Clearance Certificates.
- The anticipated period of performance for this consultancy is 8 weeks after the signing of the contract (1st November 2023 to 31st December 2023).
- The consulting firm shall be selected based on Quality Cost Based Selection (QCBS) procedures defined in the Procurement Guidelines of FARA.
From among those who have been considered eligible bidders, a shortlist of at most six (6) proponents scoring 75% or above shall be drawn up. The general criteria for shortlisting are:
Technical organization and management of the firm
A proper organizational structure (organogram)
Applicable Experience of the Firm
Must be an IT development company with at least five (5) years business operation; In case of joint ventures, the lead firm should have at least 5 years’ experience in Systems Development;
Must have implemented and completed a Human Resource Information System or project similar in nature within the African subregion;
Qualification & Experience of Key Personnel
The key personnel to be assigned to the project must hold at least a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Applications, Information Technology, Social Science Discipline or its equivalent and also have at least three (3) years’ experience in systems development: Key Personnel should consist of at least the following:
One (1) Project Manager; One (1) Systems Analyst/Technical or Functional Specialists & One (1) Database Specialist
Pass Mark
Interested consultants may obtain further information from FARA’s Human Resource Officer, Mr. Courage Nunya Dzormeku [cdzormeku@faraafrica.org<mailto:cdzormeku@faraafrica.org>], and copy the Procurement Expert, Mr. Callistus Achaab [cachaab@faraafrica.org<mailto:cachaab@faraafrica.org>], during the following hours: 9h00 to 16h00 GMT.
Please download the Terms of Reference for further information on this opportunity.
Expressions of Interest should be submitted electronically to [recruitment@faraafrica.org] and addressed to Dr. Aggrey Agumya, Executive Director of FARA, No 7 Flower Avenue, New Achimota, Mile 7, Accra, Ghana, no later than Thursday, 10th August 2023, at 14h00 GMT. Tel: +233 302 772823/744888.
FARA Affirmative Action Statement on Recruitment: there is no discrimination based on gender race, religion, ethnic orientation, disability, or health status.