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Examining possible future scenarios for African agriculture
FARA, with the support of Dr Robin Bourgeois of the GFAR Secretariat, organized an exercise reflecting on potential future scenarios to enable sustainable rural areas in Africa during the FARA Africa Agriculture Science Week.
This foresight side event also provided a training process to enable African participants to take a different look at the perspectives for agriculture and rural development in Africa and open a space for new thinking on “Africa feeding Africa”. The outcomes of the workshop contributed to reflections of the FARA General Assembly on the future role of FARA. The Africa Science Week also provided opportunity to launch the African Chapter of the Foresight Academy, as initially outlined during the second Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD2) in Punta del Este. The workshop outcomes are detailed here.
Robin Bourgeois also took part in the pre-event Sustainable Intensification Systems Workshop organized by FARA, ACIAR, BMGF and USAID.