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GFAR at the General Assembly of the World Famers Organization
GFAR participated at the Fourth Edition of the General Assembly of the World Farmers Organization (WFO) held in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 26-28 March 2014. The WFO brought together agricultural confederations from 80 different countries and international organizations to discuss critical issues and challenges faced by farmers around the word, including climate change, food security, innovation, youth, value chain and women.
Preceding the General Assembly, a workshop on Farmers intellectual capital: innovation in practice, co-organized by GFAR, UPOV and the WFO was held with the participation of around 50 representatives of different farmer confederations and international organizations. The need to work on partnership and the importance of recognizing farmers as agricultural innovators was reiterative among participants, as well as the importance of having farmers organized in groups, confederations or organizations to enhance their involvement in value chains, their right to participate at decision-making, ensuring food security and implementing their rights over traditional knowledge and plant genetic resources (Farmers’ Rights).