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Objectives: 1) To rationalize the management of insect pests of cotton in southern India, in terms of reducing the excessive amounts of pesticides that are currently applied. This is likely to have immediate beneficial effects on the health of the farming community, and on the agrobiodiversity of the various locales. A reduction in the release levels into the environment are expected to follow. 2) To reduce rural poverty by improving, agronomically, economically and socially, the highly unstable cotton-based cropping systems in northern Andhra Pradesh and neighbouring areas. 3) To build partnerships with interested stakeholders through a process of mutual learning. 4) To familiarise farmers with the new technologies that are relevant to their needs in the context of modern sustainable Integrated Pest Management (IPM). 5) To organise Round Tables to discuss successes and failures of the technologies used in the field by participating stakeholders and to build on gained experience in further field work. 6) To build an information exchange network among interested stakeholders.

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