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El Ministro: “Agricultores familiares e innovación: la receta perfecta del desarrollo” No…
De quoi sera-t-il question à la GCARD2 ? En 2010, différents acteurs clés se sont réunis à la…
“Transforming Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) system for global impact”, this is the…
On one side of the world Amanda Todd, a fifteen-year old girl commits suicide. Reasons: Cyber-…
En el GCARD las instituciones  participantes tendrán la oportunidad de presentar las necesidades…
Usted conoce hacia donde vamos, pero ¿Cómo realmente llegar hasta allí? Objetivo de Desarrollo del…
Este mes de octubre 2012 marcará un acontecimiento para todos aquellos que trabajan en la…
В конце октября 2012 года, произойдет важное событие для тех, кто интересуется …
What will be discussed at GCARD2? In 2010, major relevant stakeholders gathered at the First Global…
Le mois d’octobre va marquer un événement important pour ceux qui sont impliqués dans la Recherche…
The three main themes of The Second Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (…
La destination est connue, mais comment y réellement parvenir ? Le premier Objectif  du Millénaire…
You know where you’re going, but how do you actually get there? Millennium Development Goal #1-…
To target research, innovation and policies more effectively to desired future impacts, we need to…
October 2012 is going to mark an important event for those involved in Agricultural Research for…
The Second Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD2) will be held in…
Our reporters will soon start blogging about the GCARD 2 conference. Stay tuned. Subscribe to email…
The GCARD RoadMap has been finalized. The contributions and dynamic interaction of thousands of…
“If we can provide the farmers with |high technologies, or good technologies,…
Montpellier, France March 29, 2010 Thank you and Good Evening to all.  I was recently appointed a…