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Global Food Security Symposium 2017
Building on American ingenuity, international expertise, and historic bipartisan support for food…
African Landscapes Dialogue: Integrated Landscape Management in Practice

Leaders from community and farmer organizations, local governments, food and agri-businesses,…

ICFSN 2017 : 19th International Conference on Food Security and Nutrition

The ICFSN 2017: 19th International Conference on Food Security and Nutrition aims to bring…

The third global meeting of the Indigenous Peoples Forum at IFAD

“Economic empowerment of indigenous peoples, with a focus on women and youth”, will be the…

Moderated discussion on ‘Sustainable Farming through Agroecology’

TECA (Technologies and practices for small agricultural producers) is FAO’s free web based…

Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2017

The sustainable use of water as a vital resource is one of the major global challenges of the…

Step It Up Together with Rural Women to End Hunger and Poverty

The 2030 Agenda envisages a future in which no one is left behind and poverty and hunger are…

International conference on Agri-Chains and Sustainable Development: linking…

AC&SD 2016 will bring participants from all world regions to debate about the role of…

Regional CAC consultations on the Role of ICT in Research and Extension

After the consultations with Central Asia and the Caucasus Association of Agricultural Research…

Quinoa for Future Food and Nutrition Security in Marginal Environments

The global population is expected to increase to 9.7 billion in 2050 and there are concerns…

Final TEEB Country Study International Workshop

The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) will organise an international workshop in…

Agricultural transformation in Africa: APPG panel discussion

The APPG AFD will be hosting Kanayo F. Nwanze, President of the International Fund for…

International Symposium on Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets and…

The International Symposium will explore policies and programme options for shaping the food…

7th International Forum on Food & Nutrition

The 7th edition of the International Forum on Food and Nutrition will be held on 1 December 2016…

International Farmers' Dialogue Conference

You are invited to a Dialogue between Farmers in Cambodia: The theme will be the resilience of…

International Conference on "Pulses for Nutritional Security and…

Organized as one of 10 ‘Signature Events’ of the 2016 International Year of Pulses (IYP 2016),…

Second World Irrigation Forum

The Second World Irrigation Forum (WIF2) is organized under the theme, ‘Water Management in a…

1st International Agrobiodiversity Congress 2016

The first ever International Congress on Agrobiodiversity (IAC 2016) will take place in Delhi,…

Strengthening University-Private Sector Partnerships in Agriculture: The fifth…

Over 600 delegates, including 300 graduate students, 60 university Vice-Chancellors, policy…

4th GCHERA World Dialogue 2016: Global Leadership and Transformative Changes to…

Co-organized and funded by GFAR and GCHERA, the 4th GCHERA World Dialogue: Global Leadership and…