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Uruguay como ejemplo de desarrollo agrícola.
Durante los próximos días se realiza en Uruguay una conferencia sin precedentes. Se trata de la…
Uruguay, a star in smart agriculture!
Agriculture and Livestock has been Uruguay’s leading export due to Uruguay’s fertile soils,…
“Shed your organizational heart…”
“…and put in your community heart!” To adapt communities and local agriculture to the impacts of…
Investigaciones realizadas! Información escondida! – Research Done! Information…
Uno de los problemas que interfieren la aplicación de las tecnologías por parte de los productores…
How can countries coming out of war rebuild livelihoods?
Post-conflict and protracted crisis countries with civil conflicts or serious natural disasters…
Watch your back…
“The most dangerous risk of all – The risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet…
Sustainable EGO-systems
For this 2nd GCARD the organization emphasized that THIS is the time to work together on foresight…
Si tenemos el conocimiento ¡compartámoslo!
El mundo de información agrícola cambia de forma acelerada. Estamos frente a nuevas oportunidades…
Eficiencia, ingenio, conocimiento, investigación
A medida que transcurren los días de presentaciones del GCARD2 vamos logrando incorporar nuevo…
Mil millones de personas comen cada 3 días y algunos se oponen a la utilización…
Es un tema ético. Mientras muchos se oponen a la utilización de agroquímicos, hay mil millones de…
Etre Président: Leçons apprises par les Reporteurs sociaux de la GCARD2
Les reporteurs sociaux de la GCARD semblent tous être satisfaits et confiant après avoir été…
Young Promising Scientist
The 2012 Louis Malassis Young promising Scientist Prize was awarded to Dr. Matty Demont at the…
The case for the new extensionist
Kristin Davis, seconded from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) to the Global…
Selling Success or Stress for ARD??? Foresight at GCARD2
The Green Revolution with an aim for food security was “easy”. But now challenges are “wicked,”…
GCARD2 interviews now available online!! Entrevistas en GCARD 2!!
Wondering what GCARD2 conference participants have to say? Check out the social media team&#…
Official launching of GCHERA Global Confederation of Higher Education…
Universities of agriculture worldwide decided to set up a global association to promote their key…
El precio de los commodities: ¿Crisis u oportunidad?
A pesar del creciente ascenso de la población mundial, fundamentalmente en los países del Asia…
Uruguayan by blood, global by heart
Mr Carlos Pérez del Castillo, a distinguished diplomat with top international positions in his CV…
Is GCARD2 addressing smallholders’ real problems?
In one of yesterday’s parallel sessions at the second Global Conference on Agricultural Research…
Motivating kola farmers into collective action: it’s about social benefits more…
Collective action is touted as helping producers achieve better prices and higher levels of…