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Going to scale with development partners: Lessons learned for livestock…
The Second Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development will be held in Uruguay at…
Does Agricultural Research Deliver?
Flash back to 2007 Am seated in an agronomy class in my first year stay in campus and the lecturer…
The ups and downs of a peri-urban farmer
Deep in the heart of Kikuyu district in Kenya, you are likely to meet up with a few small scale…
Breaking off the poverty chains: Urban farming in Nairobi, Kenya
Quite a number of us have practiced backyard farming: Rabbit keeping, vegetable/kitchen farming,…
Uruguay: El agricultor y el Ministro de Agricultura – Soluciones grandiosas
El Ministro: “Agricultores familiares e innovación: la receta perfecta del desarrollo” No…
GCARD2: Focus sur la Prospection, les Partenariats et le Renforcement de…
De quoi sera-t-il question à la GCARD2 ? En 2010, différents acteurs clés se sont réunis à la…
CILSS: a regional opportunity for the GCARD process in Africa
“Transforming Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) system for global impact”, this is the…
Promoting Choice: Supporting the World’s Women Farmers
On one side of the world Amanda Todd, a fifteen-year old girl commits suicide. Reasons: Cyber-…
Los temas de GCARD2
En el GCARD las instituciones  participantes tendrán la oportunidad de presentar las necesidades…
GCARD2: Del mapa de ruta a su implementación
Usted conoce hacia donde vamos, pero ¿Cómo realmente llegar hasta allí? Objetivo de Desarrollo del…
GCARD: Más que una conferencia!
Este mes de octubre 2012 marcará un acontecimiento para todos aquellos que trabajan en la…
GCARD: Больше, чем просто конференция!
В конце октября 2012 года, произойдет важное событие для тех, кто интересуется …
Smallholder Enterprise Development - Co- investment for building viable cooperatives in Nicaragua
Smallholder Enterprise Development - Co- investment for building viable…
Cooperatives play a critical role in building value chains that links smallholders with higher-…
GCARD2: The Focus on Foresight, Partnerships and Capacity Development
What will be discussed at GCARD2? In 2010, major relevant stakeholders gathered at the First Global…
GCARD: Plus qu’une simple conférence!
Le mois d’octobre va marquer un événement important pour ceux qui sont impliqués dans la Recherche…
The Road from GCARD1 to GCARD2, and beyond
The three main themes of The Second Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (…
GCARD2: De la Feuille de route à la mise en œuvre
La destination est connue, mais comment y réellement parvenir ? Le premier Objectif  du Millénaire…
GCARD2: from Roadmap to Implementation
You know where you’re going, but how do you actually get there? Millennium Development Goal #1-…
Feedback needed: The state of “Foresight” in agriculture and rural development
To target research, innovation and policies more effectively to desired future impacts, we need to…
GCARD: More than a mere conference!
October 2012 is going to mark an important event for those involved in Agricultural Research for…