Name: Joseph Sekiku (Ashoka Fellow) Born 27.12.1966 in Tanzania.
Background: Trained in Agricultural engineering (Kampala, Uganda) and renewable energy technologies (Wales, UK). Studied philosophy and theology from the catholic Urbanian University, have postgraduate diplomas in modern management, administration and personnel/ industrial relations from Cambridge Tutorial College (UK). Post graduate certificate in Post harvest agricultural technologies (infrutitec – Stellenbosch, University, Cape Town, South Africa).
International awards: Cochran Fellowship of the USDA , An Ashoka Fellow since 2007 to date, UN SEED AWARDS Winner 2011.
Memberships: Since 1992, I have been involved in promoting sustainable rural development, and has been instrumental in accomplishing a number of initiatives. I am involved localy as member of several development task forces at district level. Nationally I am chairman of the Community Media network of Tanzania, member of the Tanzania Telecentre Network, Member of the Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture and Industries, and also a Member of the Rotary Club of Karagwe.
Personal achievements:
1988-2004 Have worked to develop a low cost post harvest agricultural technology of using the sun heat to desiccate fruits and vegetables famous as the solar fruit and vegetable drying technology. I have developed toolkit/ manual for establishing viable economic solar fruit drying businesses.
2000-2004 Pioneered rural press and mass media in Karagwe. Durinf this time, I published a newsletter called WAZA and became the first to introduce computer and later in 2007 started FADECO COMMUNITY RADIO STATION.
In Media sector, I am member and chairman of the Community Media Network of Tanzania (COMNETA). Internationally, I am member of the International Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC).
Currently I am working with different agriculture research experts to establish a bio-technology infrastructure in Katahwe, Tanzania for the production of disease free banana planting materials in wake of the banana xanthomonas wilt that is adversely threatening food security in the region. This initiativ is slowly taking root at the FADECO;s Eden Centre for AppropriateTechnology or Maarifa Centre at Nyakasimbi in Karagwe.