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Pioneer Aromatics & Agri Solutions

Dr. Ubaid Khan is a passionate Scientist and had been working with reputed Government Institutions previous to joining this organization. After getting Ph.D. degree in 2002, in soil Science from G.B. Pant University of Agri & Tech., Pantnagar, INDIA, he completed his postgraduate diploma in Management. Since 2002, he has been associated as Expert OnLine Facilitator with Asia Pacific Regional Technology Centre, Thailand and Sustainable Development e-Learning Network (SdLearn), Thailand in various agricultural OnLine courses. Eager to apply his knowledge and confidence of making a difference to the world of trade, he made significant contributions to trade relations between India and other countries. A large segment of business sector in agri community has acknowledged his extraordinary contributions to our business and to industrial bilateral relations. His analytical bent of mind and keen sense of propriety have helped PIONEER in building a strong base.