The Agroecosystems Journal prioritizes publishing papers from research exploring biological, chemical, ecological, economic and sociological rural environment in its different dimensions and aspects spaces. In this context discussions based in the systemic and interdisciplinary approach are…
O Instituto de Zootecnia Realiza Pesquisas de melhoramento genético de Bovinos de corte; Culturas forrageiras e pastagens; Pastoreio; animais Saúde; genética e Melhoramento; etologia e Meio Ambiente; Produção e Qualidade de carne e…
Communications in Plant Sciences (Commun. Plant Sci. ISSN 2237-4027) is an open access independent journal edited by plant scientists focusing on a fast diffusion of information, findings, thoughts, and ideas with respect to plant sciences and related areas. It aims to bring together all the…
Scientia Agraria paranaensis is a quarterly journal published by the Agrarian Science Center of the State University of Western Paraná - UNIOESTE. Their goal is to publish original scientific papers, reviews and scientific notes that contribute to the scientific development in the areas…
Boletim de Indústria Anima l, revista de Ciência e Produção de animais e áreas Afins, e Um periódico trimestral de Acesso livre, on-line, editado Cabelo Instituto de Zootecnia, da Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agroneg…