Source: CGIAR
As a result of a major breakthrough, beans – once feared to be a casualty of climate change – are now set to withstand extreme temperatures, protecting a staple food of the poor in developing countries.
Amidst fears that global warming could zap a…
Keep updated on YPARD on-line and off-line activities worldwide, funding and job opportunities, updates on partner news and the latest news in agricultural development for young professionals!
This newsletter is just a small overview of what YPARD is working on and a small selection of…
There have been a number of exciting advances during 2013 both within the Global Forum and in the implementation of the GCARD Roadmap. In 2013, all partners in the GFAR Steering Committee endorsed and committed to the GFAR Medium Term Plan 2014-2017 - a huge step forward in fostering…
The Secretariat of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture has recently launched CAPFITOGEN, an initiative aimed at strengthening technical capacity of national programs and developing information and analysis tools for plant genetic resources.
Those of us working with smallholder farmers in Colombia have experienced their proud and passionate narratives about planting, growing and
harvesting their crops. Only when we ask about selling them do their faces become grim, most of them answering something like: “Ay si la
The Steering Committee of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) has selected a new Chair for the period 2013-2016: Mr Juan Lucas Restrepo Ibiza, from Colombia. Following an open and competitive search process, Mr Restrepo was selected by the multi-stakeholder GFAR Steering…