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General lines of action:
1. Looking to the future:
Prospective vision of agriculture and the Rural Milieu
2. Regional R&D Agenda:
Identification of Regional Priorities and Regional Programs
3. Exchange of experiencies:
Actions among NARS: planning and management of technological
innovations; research experiences
4.Techological Integration and Cooperation:
Alliances and support to regional (FONTAGRO) and subregional programs
5. Knowledge and Society:
Appropiation of Technology, Intellectual Property Rights, Knowledge flows
6. Agrobiodiversity and new biotecnologies:
Genetic Resources, biosafety: subregional programs
7. Supply and exchange of Information:
Scientific and Technological Information System: INFOTEC
8. Studies on succesful Experiences of Partnership:
Public-private alliances on innovación

Publication date
Document type
GFAR Core document