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Henri Carsalade is Chair of ICARDA Board of Trustees. He was President of Agropolis International in Montpellier, France, from 2006 to 2009, and is currently the Chair of the Governing Board of Agropolis Foundation. An expert in the administration and management of development and research, international relations, agreements and fund raising, Mr Henri Carsalade is retired from the French administration where he was a member of the General Council for Agriculture, advising the Minister of Agriculture of France. He is a former Director General of CIRAD in France and a former Assistant Director General of the Sustainable Development and Technical Cooperation departments in FAO. From 1995 to 2000 he represented FAO as co-sponsor of the CGIAR. He also served as the representative of France within the CGIAR, was Chair of the Boards of ISNAR and WARDA (Africa Rice), a member of the Boards of IFPRI and AfricaRice, and Chair of the former Board Chairs Committee (CBC).