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  1. Hawassa University, School of Nutrition, Food Sciences and Technology would like to announce a call for research papers for the upcoming National Nutrition Conference which is going to be held on 25th - 26th of February 2016. Conference Theme: Multsectoral Approach for Better Nutrition and …
  2. Agropolis Fondation, Fondazione Cariplo and Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso have just launched a call for proposals for the “Thought for Food Initiative: Transdisciplinary research towards more sustainable food systems”  This Call aims to (a) advance understanding of the sustainability of food…
  3. The Nutrition Division of FAO (ESN), in partnership with the Statistics Division (ESS) and the Food Safety and Quality Unit (AGDF) of FAO, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other international partners, is building a pilot Global Individual Food consumption data Tool (FAO/WHO GIFT) (http://…
  4. Last week, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) announced the launch of Compact2025, an ambitious new global initiative for ending hunger and undernutrition by 2025, as a first step to ending extreme poverty.   Compact2025, which was launched this past Wednesday, November 18 at…
  5. Last year, the publication of the Global Nutrition Report 2014 marked the first-ever comprehensive look at the enormous scale of malnutrition, the measures being taken to combat it, and the need for further action. Now, the Global Nutrition Report 2015: Actions and Accountability to Advance…
  6. It has been five weeks since the CACAARI Secretariat launched the online consultations on “The role of Agricultural Innovation Systems in Central Asia and Caucasus countries and China towards more sustainable food security and nutrition.” During this time, the e-discussion hosted on the…
  7. The Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) initiative provides a mechanism for effectively linking the information requirements of governments and intergovernmental processes related to forests and trees with existing scientific expertise. On 6 May 2015 at  the UN Forum on Forests in New York, USA…
  8. The co-patron of the Gender in Agriculture Partnership, Prof. M.S. Swaminathan shares some lessons he has learned over his long and successful career on scientists’ role in feeding the world.   The research of MS Swaminathan led to India reaching agricultural self-sufficiency in the 1970s. He…
  9. Young people and their innovative ideas have the power to change the food system. The Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition (BCFN) Young Earth Solutions! (YES!) program was established in 2012 to encourage young people—specifically, students under the age of 35—to develop innovative…
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