Presentations & Recordings from the Global Webinar
In light of the recent adopted decision by the Parties at the Bonn Climate Change Conference in November 2017 known as the Koronivia joint work on agriculture, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) organized a global webinar to provide participants with a better understanding of the key opportunities and challenges involved in advancing Koronivia joint work on agriculture and an opportunity for dialogue on the topics identified in the Koronivia decision ahead of the Subsidiary Bodies for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and Implementation (SBI) meetings to take place from 30 April - 10 May 2018 in Bonn, Germany.
Through discussions it was noted that, many countries are already strongly affected by the adverse effects of climate change, including but not limited to droughts, pests and diseases. This requires support to increase resilience and sufficient climate finance in agriculture to make informed investments. In this sense, agriculture is a special topic under the UNFCCC, cross-linking between adaptation and mitigation and covering all countries under the convention. The Koronivia joint work is a chance to align the efforts of all stakeholders in the agricultural community – and we can take full advantage of this!
Keynote speakers included representatives from the European Union, New Zealand, UNFCCC and Uruguay.
Moderator: Julia Wolf, Natural Resources Officer, FAO Presentation | Recording
Herwig Ranner, European Commission in the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development Presentation | Recording
Dirk Nemitz, Programme Officer for agriculture, forestry and other land-use at the UNFCCC Presentation | Recording
Victoria Hatton, Senior Policy Analyst, Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand Presentation | Recording
Walter Oyhantcabal, Director of the Climate Change and Sustainability Unit in Uruguay’s Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries Presentation | Recording
Bruce Campbell, Director of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Presentation | Recording
Martial Bernoux, Coordinator of the Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture Programme, FAO Presentation | Recording
As a follow up to the webinar, regional webinars are expected to be organized throughout the year. Please be on the lookout for these Koronivia regional dialogues!
For more information on Koronivia joint work on agriculture, please visit: www.fao.org/climate-change/resources/learning/