The Agriculture and Farmer Federation of Myanmar (AFFM) will open a research and training centre aiming to promote modern farming technology development in the agricultural sector.
Upon completion, the training centre will carry out various activities such as training to produce youth agriculturalists and trainers for regions and states, training for women to promote their livelihoods through agriculture and agricultural research and awareness in cooperation governmental agricultural institutions and non-governmental agricultural organizations, said U Than Swe, President of AFFM.
The training centre is under construction on the plot donated by a local family in Hlegu, Yangon Region.
To promote good agricultural practice (GAP), AFFM is planting summer paddy, vegetables, groundnuts, and beans and pulses at the centre in cooperation with the Agricultural Department of the government. (Zaw Gyi, The Global New Light of Myanmar, 24 January 2021)
AFFM is a member of AFA in Myanmar.
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