The Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAiR) is a voluntary multi-stakeholder network and movement for change, uniquely bringing together actors from 13 constituencies interested in the transformation of the Agri-Food System. GFAiR is made up of over 900 member networks and institutions, working together through collective advocacy and action, to shape the future of agriculture and food and their role in achieving sustainable development. The partners in GFAiR come from all around the world and across many constituencies, including farmers, consumers and civil society organizations, women and youth organizations, the private sector, public national and international research systems, advisory services, education, donor bodies and three UN Organizations. GFAiR’s reach is achieved through these organizations and the many millions of people they involve.
GFAiR mobilizes dialogue and Collective Actions between the many partners who make up the Forum and who share GFAiR’s common vision of making agri-food research and innovation more effective, responsive, and equitable towards achieving Sustainable Development outcomes. The GFAiR Secretariat helps trigger these Collective Actions among GFAiR partner institutions, who are themselves the agents of change. GFAiR helps inspire and enable the transformation and strengthening of agri-food research and innovation for development systems and processes to become more inclusive and equitable, more effective, and impactful and catalyses changes, fostering dialogue and new forms of multi stakeholder collaboration at different levels, through its extensive networks, South- South, North South and between constituencies.
On behalf of GFAiR, the Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) , which will host GFAiR in its Rome, Italy, office from Feb 1st 2024, is seeking a qualified candidates for the below positions
Programme Associate, GFAiR (Rome, Italy)
Programme Associate, GFAiR (Montpellier, France)
Senior Manager, Research, Innovation and Partnership, GFAiR (Rome, Italy)
Please apply online through the Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) website no later than 15 January 2024, attaching a curriculum vitae, motivation letter, both in English, and contact information (e.g. names, email address) of at least three references. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted, and email applications will not be considered.
Closing date for applications: 15 January 2024