On 14–18 November 2016, the Promoting local innovation for food and nutrition security (Proli–FaNS) project was launched with a meeting of all partners in Accra, Ghana. Proli-FaNS is a 3-year project supported by MISEREOR / KatholischeZentralstelle e.V.“ (KZE, Germany) through a grant of the “One World No Hunger” initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
The contract is held on behalf of the Prolinnova network by ACDEP (Association of Church-based Development Projects), the host organisation of Prolinnova-Ghana. Prolinnova Country Platforms (CPs) in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Ethiopia and Kenya are taking part in this initiative. It will support rural communities in these countries to develop their innovative capacities to improve food security, nutrition security and nutritional diversity so as to enhance community resilience to change. In doing so,Proli-FaNS will promote wider recognition of rural women as innovators and support them in further developing their innovations related to food and nutrition, from which the women control the benefits. In addition, the project will contribute to buildingProlinnova multi–CP platforms in two subregions – in West and Central Africa and in Eastern and Southern Africa. These will support the CPs in joint learning, mobilising resources and effective policy dialogue at national, subregional and regional (African) level to promote local innovation and research led by female and male small-scale farmers.
More information about the initiative can be obtained from:
Joe Nchor, Proli-FaNS Coordinator, ACDEP, Ghana (nchorjoseph@yahoo.com)
Chesha Wettasinha, Prolinnova International Support Team, Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Netherlands (c.wettasinha@kit.nl)