9.3.2023 – The Global Forum of Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR) announces that its Steering Committee decided to move GFAR from FAO to IFAD
GFAR’s Chair, Dr. Ravi Khetarpal, announced that GFAR’s Steering Committee on 2.3.2023 decided to move GFAR from FAO to IFAD. He expressed GFAR’s sincere gratitude to FAO for its hosting for many years and also to both co-founders of GFAR - FAO and IFAD - for co-facilitating GFAR. He also highlighted that GFAR will continue collaborating with FAO for all matters related to agricultural innovation, research and development.
The decision was taken after a year-long process of consultations including several SC meetings.
Thanks to funding from the European Commission’s Directorate General for International Partnerships (EC DG INTPA), GFAR has been able to restart and revitalize the network of 900 members from 13 constituencies from the Global South after some period of hibernation.
With this decision taken GFAR hopes to be able to apply successfully for future funding to the EC and other potential funders.
GFAR will now undergo a transition phase which will have to be concluded latest in January 2024 when the current project / EC Trust Fund in FAO will end.
“We look forward to joining IFAD. Our Steering Committee deliberated on many parameters for the future hosting of GFAR and we have finally come to a decision now. GFAR is an open forum and will continue working with all relevant stakeholders. We want to thank all past and present members and partners for their support and look forward to working together with all of them to transform the agrifood system” said Dr. Ravi Khetarpal.