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  1. I am 23 years old and am about to complete a MSc. of Agricultural Economics for agricultural and rural development. Because of my background and some professional experiences, I have good skills in agricultural and rural development, and ICT for Development. My training as Agricultural Economist…
  2. If you want to get involved with YPARD Benin, please contact me at Frejus is 24 years old and completed his MSc in Agricultural Economics. He got the Certificate of “Science and Policy of Climate Change” from TERI and the World Bank. Frejus is a young expert in climate change…
  3. Frejus Thoto is from Benin, West Africa. He holds an MSc. in Agricultural Economics and have valuable expertise on agricultural knowledge management. He is consultant on KM issues for organizations like CTA, CORAF/WECARD, ACFB, etc. He also has a good knowledge on Content Management Systems…
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