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  1. As compared to 1985, about 30-fold decline in use of STI, including agricultural information, is observed in the CAC region, as a result of a dramatic reduction of R&D funding in the all post-Soviet area. This situation, if not changed for the better, will have a negative impact on the future…
  2. Meta-review of 11 External Program and Management Reviews (EPMRs) to reconfirm and highlight the role and value of the EPMR process in the CGIAR System identifying issues of system-level significance.
  3. ICUC and GFU are both active internationally in promoting and backstopping efforts to realize the potential of underutilized species species. While both are making an extremely valuable contribution, they recognize that there are areas of overlap and opportunities for building further on their…
  4. Agricultural research needs assessment is a continuous process in view of the fast changing socio-economic and policy scenarios and emergence of many other stakeholders, not involved earlier. Whereas many agricultural problems are country specific, there are some problems which are common to all…
  5. The second review of GFAR has confirmed that there is a general consensus on the validity of the original vision which led to the creation of the global forum. Furthermore, all the stakeholders have recognised the uniqueness of the role of GFAR as a neutral platform for dialogue, advocacy and…
  6. Inclusiveness: Encouraging stakeholder participation in setting the research agenda
  7. The GFAR 2006 Triennial Conference was held in New Delhi (India) from November 8th to 11th 2006. The theme of the Conference implicitly questioned the ability of current agricultural approaches to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), especially those concerned with the eradication of…
  8. GFAR Progress Report for the year 2006
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