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  1. GFAR Progress Report for the year 2004
  2. The meeting held in Abu-Dhabi on 22-23 February was designed to move the above process forward by convening an ad hoc working group composed of the promoters of the three project ideas mentioned above and selected resource persons from the region. The objectives of the meeting were the following: (…
  3. The adequacy of GPPs as tools with which to effectively and efficiently address stakeholder concerns was raised during the GFAR 2003 conference in Dakar and later in Mexico in 2004. The GFAR Steering Committee also recommended that the Secretariat establish clear guidelines for the development and…
  4. This report has been produced to provide a succinct overview of the global research activities on underutilised crops. It is aimed at policy makers, funding agencies and research administrators but it is hoped that it will also be of use to the scientific community. The report results from a…
  5. This report presents the results of a workshop organized by IICA-PRODAR in the framework of the Global Initiative on Post-Harvest (GIPh), sponsored by FAO and implemented in cooperation with the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR). The Workshop was conducted in Quito, Ecuador during the…
  6. The need for an appraisal of the current status of the post-harvest sector from both institutional and stakeholder perspectives in developing countries is of paramount importance in identifying the problems, potentials and constraints of that sector. This was the rationale for the conduct of five…
  7. This report describes the outcome of a Regional Workshop on the proposed Global Initiative on Post-Harvest (GIPh), funded by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and executed in cooperation with the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR). The Workshop was…
  8. International Cooperation on Major Commodity Crops. International Cooperation on Commodity Chains¿ is one of the four priority areas identified by the GFAR Steering Committee in the action line ¿Promoting innovative research partnerships¿. This priority refers to many crops (major or under-utilised…
  9. On 15-17 May 2002 the second conference of the European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development (EFARD) was held in Rome under the banner of ¿Strengthening the European Contribution to Agricultural Research for Development¿. The conference was organised by the EFARD Steering Committee,…
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