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Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development (UCSD)

Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development is among the Non-Governmental Organizations that takes a leading role in Championing Causes that impact on the Society, Locally, Nationally, Regionally and Internationally.
It dose all this through a few thematic groups-namely;
- Water and Sanitation
- Energy and Environment
- Agriculture and Food Security;
- Education and Advocacy
- Peace-building and Governance; and
- Research and Development
Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development has been and is still involved in participating in various partnerships and collaborations; which are at at all levels, among which some are at regional (East African level) while others are continental level. Its participation in such tasks has culminated in Sharing of Knowledge and experiences -drawn from Developing and Developed Countries alike, featuring Case studies and Policy Briefs, whose importance can not be easily under-estimated; more especially when we come to Programmes that address our Environment, which is affected by a host of factors - which are ethical, Cultural, Socio-economic, Ecological, Human, Natural, Scientific, technological and so forth.
Our Organization's participation in sensitive and most mattering issues of Climate Change and Adaptation can not be under-rated either; to which extent, it's the co-ordinating Agency for Africa on REDD+(i.e,Reduced Emissions from Deforestation, Forest Degradation, Conservation, Sustainable Management of Forests and Enhancement of Forest Carbon Stocks in Developing Countries).
Indeed, at the regional level (i.e, East African Community level), Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development ha performed a Leading role on Issues of 'East African Climate Change Policy (EACCCP), and has been Championing the Policy Implementation on the Lake Victoria Basin Environment Management - Funded by Swedish Government, under the Umbrella of East African Civil Society Watchdog (EA SusWatch), in which Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development has been a Lead Agency.
Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development has also undertaken a number of Research Tasks in the Fields of Freshwater, Food Security and Biodiversity - which have been supported by the Economic Policy Research Council (EPRC), Department for International Development (DFID) and the World Bank.
More supporters include Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and Norwegian Research and Development Agency (NORAD).
These and many others are what makes UCSD what it's.