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BAIF Development Research Foundation

Studied M.S. Horticulture (University of Hawaii), Management Programme in Agriculture (IIM, Ahmedabad), Ph.D. (Social Forestry and Economics); Specialist in Natural Resource Management, Livestock Development, Community Development and Environmental Conservation. Conducted extensive Research and Extension to popularise a fast growing fodder and fuelwood tree called Subabul from Hawaii; Initiated Agroforestry and wastelands development for improving the productivity of denuded and wastelands; Popularised tree-based farming to improve the livelihood of small farmers; Promoted industrial greenbelt development, social forestry and environmental protection as integral aspects of sustainable livelihood; Joined BAIF in 1974 and assumed the post of President (1993-2009). Associated with various organisations engaged in sustainable agricultural production, addressing malnutrition and food security of weaker sections of the society and children. Authored 20 books including 5 books for children