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  • We are catalyzing transformative change in
    diverse corners of the global
    Agrifood Research and Innovation System
  • With our partners we are together
    shaping the future for agriculture and food
  • Collective Action is our strength,
    we work together for impact
  • Our actions empower small-scale
    farmers including women and youth
    as co-innovators ensuring no one is left behind

GFAiR Collective Actions

To address the problematique of Forgotten Foods, and the related neglected crops, knowledge and people, GFAR has helped mobilize among its partners a vast coalition of concerned research and innovation stakeholders in Asia Pacific, Sub-Saharan Africa and Near East and North Africa by engaging Regional Research Networks. The dialogues have sought to involve farmers’ organizations from the beginning...

Partners in GFAR, and primarily the partners involved in this Collective Action (CA), recognize that the key driver towards the full realization of the benefits of the digital transformation of agriculture is the inclusion of small-scale producers in the design and governance of digital solutions, and in the negotiation of related data practices and business models.

This Collective Action aims to set up the basis – in terms of creating a network of good practices and educational models across continents  - to spearhead the transformation of formal higher education to match the new skills required for conducting co-research and co-innovation. 

This Collective Action seeks to identify the most favourable decision spaces in the context of Family Farming National Committees across the world where farmers’ organizations can mobilize their knowledge. This Collective Action seeks to identify the most favourable decision spaces in the context of Family Farming National Committees across the world where farmers organizations can mobilize their knowledge.

This Collective Action has the objective of fostering better informed and more inclusively designed climate disaster prevention and resilience policies by mainstreaming the land rights of the rural poor in the climate discourse.This Collective Action has the objective of fostering better informed and more inclusively designed climate disaster prevention and resilience policies by mainstreaming the land rights of the rural poor in the climate discourse.

GFAiR updates

📌 Session: The Global NARS Consortium: Uniting for Impact ⏰ Time: 10.30-12.00 CET+2 The Global NARS Consortium: Uniting for Impact The Global NARS Consortium…

📌 Session: The Global NARS Consortium: Uniting for Impact ⏰ Time: 10.30-12.00 CET+2 The Global NARS Consortium: Uniting for Impact The Global NARS Consortium…

⏰ Date: 13 March, 14.00-15.00 PM CET Join here on Zoom The Global NARS Consortium (GNC): Who Are We, and What Does GNC Mean?  The Global National…

⏰ Date: 13 March, 14.00-15.00 PM CET Join here on Zoom The Global NARS Consortium (GNC): Who Are We, and What Does GNC Mean?  The Global National…

⏰ Date: 13 March, 14.00-15.00 PM CET Join here on Zoom Conference “Boosting agrifood research and innovation cooperation for impact at scale” Agrifood…

⏰ Date: 13 March, 14.00-15.00 PM CET Join here on Zoom Conference “Boosting agrifood research and innovation cooperation for impact at scale” Agrifood…

GFAiR membership

GFAiR brings together institutions concerned with how agricultural and food research and innovation can help to achieve sustainable development. 

Member updates

12th of December 2024 - Agroecology webinar with Maria Luisa PARACCHINI, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Directorate D - Sustainable Resources and…

12th of December 2024 - Agroecology webinar with Maria Luisa PARACCHINI, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Directorate D - Sustainable Resources and…

Reflections from a scoping study in 12 African countries 16th April 11:30 CEST Onsite & Online Maintaining soil fertility is fundamental for ensuring the…

Reflections from a scoping study in 12 African countries 16th April 11:30 CEST Onsite & Online Maintaining soil fertility is fundamental for ensuring the…

We are pleased to announce that Agriculture for Development journal No.47 (Ag4Dev47) has just been published. It focuses on a critical topic for our turbulent times: '…

We are pleased to announce that Agriculture for Development journal No.47 (Ag4Dev47) has just been published. It focuses on a critical topic for our turbulent times: '…

GFAiR Calendar