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Action for Madagascar Development

 Happy to write short story here..I am Noeline from Madagascar." Think globally.. act locally" we get idea from one another through Ypard... we act in our country.Since 2012 I am member of oneorganization called Action Development and Peace of Madagascar (ADPmada). It is an organization in which each  members work for Madagascar development according their field: tourists, mines, agricultural development…As my field is Food Science and technology, I am more active in Agriculture activity in our association. We are on the way to implement one group of some student willing to promote to the young farmer or fresh student in Madagascar by strengthening agriculture by involving young people in farming practice to achieve our overall objectives to increase the motivation of young people working in the farm and obviously to increase the production of agriculture in Madagascar.Let me briefly introduce my country.
Became Ypard member? yes..
 I ve suscribed almost one year or more without knowing what is really Ypard. july 2013 I've got an oppotunity to participant 26th international international leadership for rural youth in Herrching  Germany, that worskshop brings me a lot of idea to improve the agriculture development in country, and the same event I 've met the representatives from some countries, they explained to me more about ypard and now  I am willing to use ypard strategies to improve the agricultural development in madagascar.