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Champions 12.3 make a business case for reducing food loss and waste
One-third of all food produced in the world is lost or wasted from farm to fork. This level of…
World’s future food security “in jeopardy” due to multiple challenges, report…
Mankind's future ability to feed itself is in jeopardy due to intensifying pressures on natural…
Acumen asks how we can scale agricultural innovation
From microdrip irrigation systems to drought-resistant hybrid seeds, there are hundreds of social…
Young Farmers at GFFA2017
 A delegation of young farmers from all over the world gathered in Berlin to participate to the…
Brookings report sizes up foresight priorities in Africa
In this year’s Foresight Africa, the Brookings Africa Growth Initiative scholars and outside…
Exploring the use of wastewater in agriculture
With food demand and water scarcity on the uptick, it's time to stop treating wastewater like…
YPARD Monthly Newsletter for January 2017 celebrates last year's…
Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD)--a Partner in GFAR directly supported by…
CAAS Holds the 5th Global Forum of Leaders of Agricultural S&T (GLAST) in…
Co-organized by the Government of Hainan, CAAS, FAO and CGIAR, the 5th Global Forum of Leaders of…
Ten Celebrities Advocating for a More Sustainable Food System
Star status can bring the opportunity for celebrities to wear many hats and draw attention to…
Sixteen Noteworthy Food Moments in 2016
This year has had its fair share of food moments. Food policies and programs have been developed to…
First Congress of its kind adopts new Declaration on Agrobiodiversity Management
The first ever International Congress on Agrobiodiversity (IAC 2016) took place in Delhi, India,…
Measuring sustainability in agriculture
Measuring with a view to improving is at the core of FAO’s work on sustainable agriculture. What…
FAO event aims to unleash potential of rural women
Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls lies at the centre of the 2030 Agenda for…
Gurib's vision for science and innovation in Africa
Ameenah Gurib, the first elected woman President of Mauritius, which is ranked Africa’s third most…
Celebrating World Soil Day 2016: 'Soils and pulses, a symbiosis for life…
In 2002, the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) made a resolution proposing the 5th of…
GFAR's new governance - a new way of working for the Global Forum
The 2016 Partners’ Assembly of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) decided to create a…
Round up of CFS 43, look forward to the 2017 agenda
CFS looked at country experience in using the Voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of…
Barilla Center Call-to-Action Focuses on Change, Now
Following a recent report about the urgent need to address the relationship betwen agriculture and…
International Symposium on Food Systems boasts special events on healthy diets…
As countries increasingly recognize the importance of food systems in addressing the vicious cycle…
FARA showcases its legacy product at the Humidtropics Marketplace
Humidtropics is the integrated systems research for development program designed and implemented…