R4D is a free access on-line database containing information about research programmes supported by DFID. R4D provides you with the latest information about research funded by DFID, including news, case studies and details of current and past research in over 30,000 project and document records.…
El Repositorio Digital Académico UC Temuco es un servicio de información en formato digital organizado en comunidades y colecciones que recupera, administra, preserva y difunde la producción del conocimiento científico, intelectual y artístico…
GFAR is a multi-stakeholder initiative that contributes to eradicating poverty, achieving food security, and conserving and managing natural resources. It enhances national capacities to generate, adapt and transfer knowledge.
GFAR publishes its news through RSS feeds. In addition to site-wide RSS…
GFAR is a multi-stakeholder initiative that contributes to eradicating poverty, achieving food security, and conserving and managing natural resources. It enhances national capacities to generate, adapt and transfer knowledge.
News from the Interamerican Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture and its Member States Noticios del Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura y sus Estados Miembros.
The portal http://www.FarmingOnWeb.info has been created by Veronafiere and Image Line http://www.imageline.it An editorial staff composed by journalists and expertises will update at real time FarmingOnWeb with contents and information provided by exhibitors and coming from all the world of…
News and press releases of the Centre de cooperation internationale en recherche agronomique pour le developpement, the French Center of agricultural research for developing countries
Olympe est un outil de modélisation permettant l’analyse des stratégies paysannes, la prise de décision et l’analyse prospective.