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Bioversity International
Bioversity International
Bioversity International|Bioversity International

- Adriana joined Bioversity working on the development of the global directory of germplasm collections and descriptors lists in 1989 playing an instrumental role leading the whole descriptors development process in Bioversity and beyond in partnership with other CG centres, FAO, crop networks and National Programs, leading the development of standards for more than 90 crops and playing a key role in the development of international standards such as the multicrop passport data (MCPD) jointly with FAO, CG centres and European partners. She has co-authored this standard which has been adopted at the global level and is considered to be ‘the golden standard’ by EURISCO, FAO Genebank standards, the Bioversity CWR Project and several European Central Crop databases, USDA, ARS (GRIN), the Ontology Consortium, and GENESYS global portal amongst others. Adriana’s work has proven to be a key link in working towards achieving international data harmonization for the PGR community and her expertise in the development of descriptors and international standards has been recognized internationally. .

She has also co-authored Descriptors for Genetic Marker technologies, Descriptors for Farmers Knowledge about people and plants, and ‘Descriptors for ‘In situ Conservation of CWR. She led the development of the Guidelines for developing Crop Descriptors and authored the Key characterization and evaluation minimum sets of descriptors for 22 Annex I crops of the GENESYS global portal. Since 1985, her professional experience has included work in various international organizations of the UN including UNEP, ILO, IFAD and FAO. In 2009 she was nominated a runner-up for the ‘CGIAR Chair's Science Award for Outstanding Partnership to Bioversity’, for its contribution on international standards to developing networks and for providing facilitated access to PGR information. She is a member of TDWG and IAALD.