GRNET SA runs the Greek Research & Technology Network, according to the operating model of corresponding EU Research and Education Networks. It operates both at a national and international level and constitutes the setting for the development of innovative services for the members of the Greek research and education communities. GRNET SA connects more than 90 institutions, including all universities, technical and research institutes, as well as thepublicGreek School Network, supporting more than 500.000 users all over the country. Moreover, it provides local interconnection services to the main Greek Internet providers, through the Greek Internet Exchange/GR-ΙΧ (
GR-IX started operating in 2008 and provides interconnection at Nx10 Gbps, enhancing the quality of internet service and infrastructure nationwide. GRNET SA aims at contributing towards our country’s Digital Convergence with the EU, by supporting the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), by constituting the ideal setting for scientific researchtowards future network developments, by developing and offering innovative services and applications to Greek citizens from an early age (e-government, e-learning, e-integration), and by introducing advanced technological tools in everyday activities; tools that will improve their quality of life, will reduce unnecessary transportation and will render them more effective and competitive, equal members of the Digital Greek Community.
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