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C.A.B. International
C.A.B. International

Ecologist and Entomologist. German Diploma in Biology, PhD Thesis in Biology. Areas of expertise: Member of the IAS group, expertise in applied grassland ecology, sustainable management of agri-environmental habitats, invertebrate studies, faunistic surveys and environmental impact assessments; since 2005 entomologist on the UK Darwin Initiative project: Cordyceps Conservation in Bhutan; experience in grassland ecology, particularly regarding the role of invertebrates for sustainable land management and enhancement of biodiversity, skills in identifying, monitoring and surveying invertebrates and European vertebrates within agri-environmental projects and Environmental Impact Assessments, experience in conducting and co-ordinating large-scale surveys and habitat monitoring, specialist in the ecology of Auchenorrhyncha (leaf-hoppers and planthoppers) and Hepialidae, some knowledge of EC legislation regarding the phase-out of Methyl Bromide