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Submitted by admin on 19 January 2017
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The Centre de Supercomputació de Catalunya (CESCA) is a public consortium created in 1991 which is integrated by the Generalitat de Catalunya, Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI), nine Catalan universities (de Barcelona, Autònoma de Barcelona, Politècnica de Catalunya, Pompeu Fabra, de Girona, Rovira i Virgili, de Lleida, Oberta de Catalunya and Ramon Llull), and the Consell Superior d'investigacions Científiques (CSIC). In 2000, it was recognized as a scientific and technical singular facility (ICTS, in spanish) by the Ministry of Sciencie and Innovation. The fundamental objective of the Centre de Supercomputació de Catalunya (CESCA) is to manage infrastructures based on information and communication technologies (e-infrastructures), in order to provide support to universities and research, based on five activity areas, as shown in figure: communications networks; portals and repositories for university information; scientific and academics computing and data-storage systems, promotion of the use and benefits of these technologies, and operation and maintenance of the entire Centre infrastructure.