Jonas Ngouhouo Poufoun, Cameroonian, 29 years, is a PhD student in Economics, The University of Yaounde II (Cameroon) – The University of Lorraine (France). Research interests: Industrial Organisation, Apply Micro economics, Sustainable Livelihoods, Sustainable agriculture, Forest land use change(LULUCF, AFOLU), REDD+ and sustainable development in developing Countries, Ecological Economics, PhD Topic: " Forest Land Use Change, fair ecological monetary compensation of the REDD + and sustainable development in the TRIDOM inter-zone ". TRIDOM called national TRInational of Dja Odzala Minkebe is a cross-border ecological complex between Cameroon, Gabon, and Congo (R). The problematic focuses on the management of natural resources so as to follow-up simultaneously and equitably the preservation objectives and sustainable socioeconomic development objectives in this cross-border eco-region that shelters protected areas, mining projects, forestry exploitation and safaris hunting.
Université de Lorraine - Laboratoire d'Economie Forestière / INRA