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Open AGRIgate
Through the CIARD RING, the global directory of datasets for agriculture maintained by the Global Forum for Agricultural Research (GFAR), you can now participate in the Open AGRIgate challenge, recently launched at the Research Data Alliance 4th Plenary Meeting in Amsterdam.
The challenge will reward the institution that registers the best datasets in the RING, judged especially in terms of re-usability, with two unique prizes:
  1. the opportunity to work together with data scientists building applications based on your data;
  2. having your dataset featured at the next meeting of the Agricultural Data Interoperability Interest Group at the Research Data Alliance.
All types of datasets are accepted in the challenge: from research data sheets to statistical datasets to RSS feeds to OAI-PMH targets to Linked Data stores. The essential thing is that your dataset is available somewhere in some structured format, from Excel to XML to Json etc.
More information on how this works:
Note that the competition is open to:
  • ALL institutions from developing countries [institutions in countries classified by the World Bank as "low-income", "lower-middle-income" and "upper-middle-income": see the classification:]
  • Institutions with less than 1000 employees in any country
We hope that this will help you open and promote your data!