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BRACED call for proposals from NGO led consortia
DFID’s Ministers have approved the Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters Programme (BRACED) which is expected to benefit up to 5 million people, especially women and children, by building their resilience to climate extremes (mostly droughts and floods). This will be achieved through:
  1. Grants to NGOs led consortia to scale up technologies and practices in the Sahel - Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal.
  2. Grants to NGO led consortia to scale up technologies and practices in selected DFID focal countries at risk - Burma, Nepal, Ethiopia, Kenya, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda, and Mozambique.
  3. Research and evaluation to build the evidence on what works and to share this within, and outside, DFID.
  4. Building national and international capacity to respond to climate related disasters.
The call for grants from NGO led consortia, that can include local government, research organisations, private sector and UN agencies, is now open. Details can be found under funding opportunities for partners on DFID’s external web site. The call closes on 10th November 2013. The BRACED call guidance note provides the context and details on the overall programme as well as how to apply for grants. BRACED is funded under the UK’s International Climate Fund (ICF) and will be up to £140m programme over four years for the first phase.
Please can you circulate details of this call to any organisations you think might be interested in applying for a grant. The guidance note, application form and other background docs can all be downloaded from the web site.
If you would like to know more about BRACED, please the BRACED team on .