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Rights of Farmers for Data, Information and Knowledge - CIARD E-Discussion
CIARD with support from GFAR Secretariat and FAO are organizing an E-Discussion between 20 October to 6 November 2014 for global participation on the CIARD E-discussion Forum on the rights of farmers to data, information and knowledge.

The E-discussion will discuss:

1. What do we mean by the rights of smallholder farmers to data, information and knowledge?

2. How do farmers benefit and lose from these rights or the lack of them?

3. What is the state of the recognition of these rights by the international community and their implementation in different parts of the world?
4. How should these rights be implemented and protected?
5. What should be done to include farmers in the mechanisms of data, information of knowledge management to ensure that their rights are included, implemented and protected institutionally and through technology?
The outputs from the E-discussion and supplementary research will be used to develop a briefing paper for policy makers, actors and stakeholders published through CIARD and GFAR as also in advocacy by GFAR and FAO on the rights of farmers to data, information and knowledge. All contributors to the discussion will be acknowledged in outputs from this E-Discussion. CIARD and the facilitators invite all interested to participate and contribute to this discussion.

More details are available here.

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If you are a member please join the Working Group “Rights of Farmers for Data, Information and Knowledge” on the CIARD website at after login.
Photo credit: ©FAO / Swiatoslaw Wojtkowiak