GFAR and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources recently launched an exciting new programme to help countries to implement Farmers’ Rights in practice, to the benefit of family farmers around the world.
The joint capacity building programme on the Implementation of Farmers’ Rights was agreed by the Governing Body of the International Treaty at its sixth session in October 2015, as a contribution for the development of capacity of Contracting Parties and relevant stakeholders to implement Farmers’ Rights. The Governing Body requested the Treaty Secretariat to launch and implement a joint capacity building programme with GFAR and other relevant organizations, as set out in Article 9 of the International Treaty.
This Programme builds on previous GFAR collective actions with farmers, governments, other organizations and civil society organizations in some countries, to better understand and recognize the importance of the contribution of smallholder farmers and local communities to the conservation, development and availability of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. It also builds on the activities undertaken by the International Treaty for developing capacity on Farmers’ Rights implementation, for example through compilation and dissemination of best practices and lessons learned on conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources, and supporting regional consultations on Farmers’ Rights.
A recent presentation by Mark Holderness, GFAR Executive Secretary, to the country Permanent Representatives in Rome of Treaty Contracting Parties, emphasized the development importance of recognizing Farmers Rights and realizing their value to communities. The presentation also highlighted new capacity development materials that have been developed recently with a range of civil society partners in Guatemala, Honduras and Malawi and are now openly available for use there.
The concept note for the Joint Capacity Building Programme on the Implementation for Farmers’ Rights can be found here.
Join us in this programme and work with a range of committed partners to realize Farmers’ Rights in practice!
To learn more, please contact Mrs. Juanita Chaves Posada, GFAR Focal Point, Joint Capacity Building Programme on the Implementation of Farmers’ Rights, through the following e-mail and/or the Secretariat of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for food and Agriculture at