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Promoting Women’s Enterprise Development in Egypt
Promoting Women’s Enterprise Development in Egypt
From Thomas Price, Senior Officer, Agricultural Innovation and Society, and Iman El-Kaffass,…
Logo Reaching millions
Reaching the Millions
GFAR is pleased to share the final, endorsed statement coming out of the SDC Face-to-Face…
Video: Bringing Youth into Agricultural Policy
Video: Bringing Youth into Agricultural Policy
The average age for farmers around the world is around 58. What can be done to bring more…
© Jade Brookbank/Corbis
Fill CTA Survey on young farmers and young agricultural entrepreneurs in ACP…
CTA has launched an online survey to get information on the current state, uses, challenges…
success stories on Agricultural Research for Development in Asia and the Pacific
Call for identifying success stories on Agricultural Research for Development…
APAARI has been a pioneer in documenting success stories in agricultural research and…
CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems’ Youth Strategy 2014-2017: Engaging…
Jennie Dey De Pryck, Senior Adviser to GFAR Secretariat, was commissioned by the Programme to…
L’Afrique centrale à l’avant-garde de la prospective
L’Afrique centrale à l’avant-garde de la prospective
Les localités de Ntoum, Gamboma et Nkolmefou ont plusieurs points communs. Lesquels? Toutes…
Bunmi Ajilore, Foresight focal point at YPARD
Collaborative Foresight: Finding solutions to youth unemployment in East Africa…
Agriculture accounts for almost 30% of the average GDP of the economies of East Africa…
Initiative de prospective locale – Formation de facilitateurs pour la Co-élabora
Initiative de prospective locale – Formation de facilitateurs pour la Co-…
Avril 20-25, 2015 – CHASAADD (centre de formation agropastorale de Mfou) - Yaoundé- Cameroun…
Soil: a sacred resource at the foundation of traditional agricultural heritage s
Soil: a sacred resource at the foundation of traditional agricultural heritage…
Interview with Mr. Moujahed Achouri, Director of FAO's Land and Water division (part 1…
Sustainable intensification will not keep us within the 2-degree goal for
Sustainable intensification will not keep us within the 2-degree goal for 2030
If agriculture is to share an economically efficient portion of the mitigation burden, investment…
Yes! We Can Change the Food System
Yes! We Can Change the Food System
Young people and their innovative ideas have the power to change the food system. The Barilla…
About soils research
About soils research
The status of soil has always profoundly shaped the fate of society. Yet, the modern world…
Jane Kabugi explains how heavy rain was destroying her home and farm. Credit: SM
Africa’s first Water Fund to tackle rising threats to food security, water and…
Every rainy season Jane Kabugi’s home comes under attack. The torrential rain so desperately…
The fertilizer industry launches online platform of ideas for the International
The fertilizer industry launches online platform of ideas for the International…
Berlin, Germany, 20 April 2015 – As part of its contribution to the International Year of Soils,…
Gunnar Rundgren
The cost of cheap food
Gunnar Rundgren, author and former President, International Federation of Organic Agriculture…
Alice Kachere
Women’s land rights unleash agricultural productivity and nutrition
Women all over the world play a critical role in providing food and education as well as…
ag2nut community of practice
The intersection between agriculture and nutrition: the Agriculture-Nutrition…
Over the past three years GFAR has been advocating for better nutrition and sustainable…
An American Plate That Is Palatable for Human and Planetary Health
Every five years the federal government issues advice on what constitutes a healthy diet,…
Land degradation affects 67 per cent of Africa. Credit: S.Malyon / CIAT
Scaling up – TV helps farmers shape up soils in East Africa
These are great for mobilising much-needed global interest and action in efforts to protect…