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Global Landscapes Forum

The Global Landscapes Forum combines into one event two of the world’s most influential annual…

Brussels Development Briefing
The ACP-EU technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), the European Commission,…
Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS) Annual…

This year's annual ReSAKSS conference will take place on 12-13 November 2013 in Dakar,…

3rd Africa Rice Congress
Africa’s largest conference on the rice sector set to begin in Cameroon   From 21-24 October…
Celebrating World Food Day
“Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition” is the focus of World Food Day in…
CFS side event - Transforming food systems: empowering women to deliver on Food…
The Gender in Agriculture Partnership (GAP) is organizing a side event on “Transforming food…
The 3rd International Conference on Neglected and Underutilized Species
The emerging interest in Neglected and Underutilized Species (NUS) needs to be supported by…
International Foresight Academic Seminar
The European IFA Academic Seminar will cover several topics related to participatory and democratic…
Seminar: Global Sustainability Megaforces and Agricultural Foresight: How to…
IIED is in the process of developing a new strategy for the next 10 years. As part of this process…
International Conference – Preliminary Announcement: Better linkages between…
Background In recent years, significant progress has been made in improving European coordination…
Global CIARD Consultation, Addis Ababa, 6-9 May 2013
Global consultation on the future of the CIARD (Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research…
Hunger - Nutrition - Climate Justice Dublin 2013
Source:   In 2013, the international community will review progress on the Millennium…
Consumer Behavior and Food Science Innovations for Optimal Nutrition
Innovations in food and agriculture have the potential to develop products to decrease the global…
Implementing action on Plant Genetic Resources in NENA region
Under its work program stream on promoting agrobiodiversity, GFAR has supported through AARINENA…
Indigenous Peoples’ Forum at IFAD
Thomas Price, Senior Officer, Agricultural Innovation and Society, attended the first global…
Meeting development needs through horticulture
Horticultural crops have enormous importance around the world, in ensuring nutrition, incomes,…
CTA Expert Consultation on Conversion of Science – System of Innovation…
CTA has provided long term leadership in an international programme on Conversion of Science –…
ARD Donors meet to discuss integrated actions
Highlights of this meeting included two inspiring keynote presentations: Prof. Sir Gordon Conway…
The Economist Conference “Feeding the World 2013”
The Economist Conference  “Feeding the World 2013: Accelerating Global Collaboration on Food…
The Economist’s Conference - Feeding the World 2013
Robin Bourgeois, Senior Foresight and Development policies Expert in the Executive Secretariat of…