The specific objectives of the meeting were to share with CORAF/WECARD the process of regional integration that has begun among the major CG centers operating in the region, and give CORAF/WECARD an opportunity to provide feedback and make input into future developments so that CORAF/WECARD can…
I would like to thank GFAR for the opportunity to attend its 2nd Triennial conference in Dakar in the
beautiful country of Senegal. On behalf of the entire Canadian delegation, it is a pleasure for us to be
here and to participate in the Conference discussions addressing the links of research and…
The theme of the Second Triennial GFAR Conference held in Dakar, Senegal, 22nd to 24th of May, 2003
(GFAR 2003) was ¿Linking Research and Rural Innovation to Sustainable Development¿. It was a very
appropriate theme given the current global focus and attention on sustainable development issues as…
ICLARM (an IARC) in partnership with the Institute of Aquaculture Research, Norway (an ASI), Central
Luzon State University and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Philippines (NARS) undertook
genetic improvement of Nile tilapia and demonstrated for the first time that performance of…
La meta de la conferencia era examinar los logros y aprender las lecciones aprendidas
durante el trienio (2000-2003), e identificar nuevos e interesantes temas globales, amenazas y oportunidades pertinentes a la investigación agrícola para el desarrollo. Los resultados de los dos ejercicios fueron…
La conférence poursuivait divers objectifs qui étaient d'examiner les acquis et d¿établir un bilan de ces trois dernières années (2000-2003), mais aussi d¿identifier les problèmes mondiaux émergents, les risques et les opportunités se rapportant à la recherche agricole pour le développement.…
The goal of the conference was to review achievements and take stock of lessons learned during the current triennium (2000-2003), and to identify new and emerging global issues, threats and opportunities of relevance to Agricultural Research for Development (ARD). The outcomes of both exercises…