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Enabling policy environment towards unleashing the potential of family farming
World Rural Forum Strengthen Family farming has proven to be one of the paramount strategies to…
Small-scale family farming in changing food systems
By Sophia Amoah (Knowledge Management Intern, FARA, Ghana) FAO defines family farming as: “a means…
Shifts in small scale family farming
By Lisa Desbordes(Agribusiness Intern, FARA) In both developed and developing countries, family…
Brazilian family farmer bets on ICTs and Youtube channels to spread knowledge 
Meet Wagner Canal, a family farmer from São Domingos do Norte in the Southeast region of Brazil. …
CGIAR: High-level Consultations Show How CGIAR Will Work With Partners to Boost…
A series of high-level meetings in Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire, has delivered progress towards a…
Africa’s forgotten crops could offset growing food insecurity
Michel Ghanem – Mohammed VI Polytechnic University “Why is it common sense to diversify our…
Award-winning digital tool to fight devastating armoured bush cricket pest
CABI CABI researchers are hoping that the concept for a new award-winning digital tool could help…
Register Now Related Articles What is GFAR Talks? GFAR Talks I
GFAR facilitates webinar on 'Ethical and legal issues around agricultural…
GFAR is facilitating a Collective Action on Inclusive Digital Transformation of Agriculture, which…
GFAR and KFPE hold workshop to determine criteria for quality partnerships
On 11 April 2022, GFAR together with KFPE (Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with…
Radio dramas spark conversations and challenge gender norms
Farm Radio International Once a week, families in western Burkina Faso gather around the radio to…
Joining forces to promote gender transformative approaches
By: Hajnalka Petrics What if your diet was lacking proteins – because fish and eggs are considered…
APFP: Forgotten Foods Cooking Contest
For centuries, people in Asia and the Pacific have been growing and consuming a wide variety of…
Ready? Set? Transform! How to make gender equality last
by Anna Patel, CGIAR The participation of both women and men is critical for productive, climate-…
Local farmer innovation an entry point for farmer-led joint research
by Vincent Mariadho – Prolinnova Kenya Coordinator 56-year-old smallholder farmer Rebecca Auma Dero…
How do family farmers perceive digital solutions in the LAC Region
By Andres Sanchez FORAGRO/IICA Digital agriculture solutions are considered by many as innovations…
Digital soil map provides information for crop productivity and soil health
By the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) A digital soil map for Nepal…
The Land Portal: Bringing together data governance and FAIR principles
By The Land Portal The landscape of land data is different from many other types of data held by…
GFAR Talks I
GFAR Talks is an exciting new webinar series showcasing informed debates on challenging and…
Constraints to FAIR and responsible data use in agricultural development…
By CABI CABI has been awarded a $4.5 million contract from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation…