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A Hopeful Contribution to Transforming Agri-food Systems
Revised & Restructured Agricultural Extension Education Curriculum in India posted by GFAR This…
AI-based tillage detection for improved agricultural and climate policies
We are excited to inform you about an ongoing project being undertaken by KappaZeta: "AI-based…
Caribbean Climate Investment Program (CCIP)
Chemonics International, under the USAID Climate Finance for Development Accelerator (CFDA), seeks…
Call for Proposals: Grants for the application of the ICAT policy assessment…
ICAT is seeking organizations (governmental entities or non-governmental organizations, such as…
Empowering Agriculture Education for Rural Impact
Education paves the way for a brighter future in rural communities. posted by GFAR Recently, higher…
AI for Climate Resilience in Rural Areas
Moonshots for Development (M4D), the alliance of innovation labs and venture arms of several…
CGIAR’s Alliance to host GFAR through new agreement
From Left: GFAR Chair Dr Ravi Khetarpal and Global Director of Partnerships and Advocacy CGIAR and…
The GFAR/GFAiR Hub is Here: Let the Adventure Begin!
The GFAR/GFAiR Hub has landed! Dive into GFAR’s latest engagement platform, it's live, buzzing, and…
Global Launch of Community of Practice on Participatory Research in Family…
In an effort to support family farmers and foster inclusive and resilient development towards…
GFAR’s new engagement platform to be officially launched!
Exciting news is on the way! The GFAR/GFAiR Hub - a new engagement platform conceived for you and…
Financing Agricultural Small-and-Medium Enterprises in Africa
USAID and Norway announced the Financing for Agricultural Small-and-Medium Enterprises in Africa (…
Call for projects - The Digital Green Innovation Acceleration Programme
The Digital Green Innovation Acceleration Programme (DGIx) is a programme by the WFP Innovation…
AI Revolutionizes Agricultural Research
The role of ChatGTP in GFAR’s establishment of the Global NARS Consortium. posted by GFAR The…
Call for proposals: Small Scale Development Projects (Palestine)
The Czech Republic's Development Cooperation (through its Representative Office in Ramallah) has…
Call for projects - SADC
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) announces the Second Call for Concept Notes…
Transforming Food Systems Through Agroecology: The Coalition’s Mission
posted by GFAR This post focuses on the Agroecology Coalition and it’s work in transforming global…
Digital agroecology: an oxymoron?
posted by GFAR, authored by Valeria Pesce (GFAR), Tomaso Ceccarelli (DAH) and Giacomo Rambaldi (DAH…
Funding opportunity for projects in in Southeast Asia
GFAR wishes to share an interesting funding opportunity: the Research and Innovation for…
Leading House MENA's calls for projects
GFAR wishes to share an interesting funding opportunity: Leading House MENA has issued calls for…
Digitalization and agroecology: a challenging marriage? Summary of an e-…
The Digital Agri Hub, the Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR), the…